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"The Life and Times of Mohammad" - Sir John Glubb - Madison Books
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"A Brief Summary of the Early Muslim Generation's Belief" - Abdul Qadir al-Arnaoot - Edited by K.H. Dabas - International Islamic Publishing House
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"The Question of Palestine" - Edward Said
"Covering Islam:How the media and the experts determine how we see the rest of the world" - Edward Said
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"A Short History of Islam" S.F. Mahmud
"Islam in Focus" - Hammudah Abdalati
"The Arab World: Forty Years of Change" - Elizabeth Warnock Fernea & Robert A. Fernea
"Readings in Ancient History" -William Stearns Davis
"História Geral das Civilizações" - vol III - Edouard Perroy
"Towards Understanding Islam" Sayyid Abul ALa Maududi Federação Internacional Islâmica das Organizações Estudantis
"Islamic Movement - Problems and Perspectives" - Fathi Yakan - American Trust Publications
"ISLÃ, um enigma de nossa época" - José Arbex Jr.; Editora moderna - 2ª edição
"ISLAM - A religião mal compreendida"- Mohammad Qutub - Centro de Divulgação do Islam para a América Latina
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"HISTÓRIA Das Cavernas ao Terceiro Milênio" Myriam Becho Mota e Patrícia Ramos Braick Editora Moderna
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"Crusades" - Terry Jones & Alan Ereira
"The Crusades Through Arab Eyes" - Amin Malouf
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"O Indivíduo e o Estado no Islam" - Dr.Abdul Karim Zaidan"Punishment in Islamic Law" - Mohamed S. El-Awa - American Trust Publications
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"Averróis, o Aristotelismo Radical"- José Silveira da Costa - Editora Moderna
"O Oriente Médio" - Isaac Akcelrud - Atual Editora Ltda.
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"Panoramado Mundo" -Demétrio Magnoli, José Arbex, Nelson Bacic Olic - Editora Scipione
"As Guerras entre Israel e os Árabes" - Jayme Brener - Editora Scipione
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"Islam Today - A Short Introduction to the Muslim World" - Akbar S. Ahmed
"The World of Islam, Faith, People, Culture" - Edited by Bernard Lewis - Thames & Hudson - London
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